When you apply for a job and the employer tells you that they are “equal opportunity” employers your probably think that they are telling the truth. Well here is a perfect example of this in action. ESPN.com not only employs accomplished sports journalists but they also now employ accomplished rappers to write blogs for them. Their most recent blogger has been none other than Lil Wayne.
For those who aren’t familiar with Lil Wayne he is a rapper from New Orleans who has went platinum with his most recent CD called “The Carter III”. If you turn on the radio or watch MTV or BET you are bound to either hear his songs or catch a glimpse of him.
Now for those who are familiar with him I bet that you didn’t know he was also a sports enthusiast. He likes sports so much that he has volunteered to write a blog for ESPN. And this isn’t just something he is doing to attract more fans. He is so dedicated to writing the blog for ESPN that he has gotten himself an ESPN tattoo. What blogger do you know who is as dedicated to his work as that?
I think that this is a good thing for both ESPN and Lil Wayne. ESPN has been always trying to become more hip and urban to reach the younger generation and what better way to do so by getting the best young artist today to write about sports. Lil Wayne also benefits because even if his goal wasn’t to attract more fans to his music the blog will accomplish this.
I feel that this is just the beginning and that known celebrities who are true sports fans (#1 Laker Fan Jack Nicholas or the only real Knicks fan left Spike Lee) should all have blogs professing their love for sports and their love for their sports teams. Just stay away from getting their favorite sports team or sports show tattooed on their bodies. Tattoos aren’t for everyone.
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